Saturday, September 22, 2007


The lack of public dialogue over the police response to the Nickel Mines school shooting, suggests we are willing to allow the police to determine the narrative that evolves from this incident. It is possible to honor their heroic efforts, and at the same time question the policy and protocol which they were enacting. In fact it is our duty as citizens to do so. If we don't question the narrative fed to us by our civic authorities, we run the risk of being manipulated for their gain, instead of being served by them. If they (the police) don't have to explain, defend, and justify, the effect of their actions, on one group of people (the Amish), does anyone think for a minute that they won't try to act with imperialistic impunity towards another group?
Who is next? There is a famous quote that goes like this, "once there is no one else left, they will come for you".

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