Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Here's Pauline Stevick in the introduction of "Beyond the Plain and Simple".

Finally, through some unusual circumstances, he was
introduced to a prominent member of the local Amish community, who then
introduced him to some of his friends. When his association with these Amish
people became more widely known, other Amish persons assumed that he was
trustworthy, and one friendship led to another. This is typical. If an English
person gains the confidence of leaders in the community, doors will
open-literally- in other settlements as well.

Do I need to say anything more about whether Stevick is also, just a mouth-piece for the Amish leaders?

She ends the introduction with humble-pie gibberish about "seeing through a glass darkly", but that doesn't stop her from writing page after page after page of intimate articulate details that show the Amish in a positive light. Then she feigns objectivity with a one sentence mention of somthing that might not be all peaches and cream, but dosen't elaborate at all.

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