Thursday, August 16, 2007


If there would've been a medium for me to give voice to the issues I wrestled with as an Amish person, I would still be Amish. The result may have been that the Amish Would Have changed a bit. Is that a bad thing?
After having paid the price that I did, for being true to my conscience. It is infuriating to see Rep.
Joe Pitts and Donald Kraybill, (from their privileged and exalted positions in our free and open society) aid and abet the power structure that impoverished me.

It's okay for the Amish to make the choices they do. And it's perfectly okay to respect and even celebrate the things that they do well. But western culture is damn well aware of what the flaws are in authoritarianism, and it's despicable of Pitts and Kraybill to engage with the Amish for their own
selfish gain, in a way that empowers the totalitarianism in Amish leadership.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW! Now that's some powerful stuff! Have you address this with eith Pitts or Kraybill personally? If not, I think you should!