Tuesday, August 7, 2007


My blog has a feature designed to enable me to list my favorite books or movies. I mention it to high-light how ubiquitous books and movies are to our common experience. The Amish aren't privy to the benefits of the artistic expression found in books and movies,at least, in the sense that their issues aren't explored and illuminated in the way the rest of western cultures' issues are.

Imagine what your life would be like, if all of your favorite books and movies, were never written or filmed. And then, try to imagine what western culture would have amounted to if all the great works of art, music and literature were never produced.

It's from this perspective that I look at Rep. Pitts' posturing over UPN's "Amish in the city" and the deal the Amish leaders made with the state, after Witness was filmed.

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