Monday, August 13, 2007


There's an absolutely scorching letter to the editor in this mornings Intell.

The Republicans call people like me -- thinking people
who have always been against the travesty of a war in Iraq -- cowards or
unpatriotic. I have a challenge for these "patriots." If the United States is
indeed locked in a struggle for our very survival as a civilization, then why
don't people like George Bush, Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, Joe Pitts, Bill
O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, etc., quit their cushy jobs, pack their rucksacks and
engage these terrorists? Why don't the people of the myriad "religious" groups,
that came out in record numbers in 2004 to support a war-monger send their kids
to Iraq

It's written by Bob Hagen. Read the entire letter here

I think the Amish should apologize publicly, for there support of Bush in the 2004 election

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