you do cuss a lot. maybe it feels like it addsSo with a little therapy everything will be okay? Fuck you "expatriot"! Genteel language and even handedness in the face of injustice is the refuge of those who don't want to fess up to what 's going on. If you really think I'm full of hot air, why don't you engage me on the issues instead of patronizingly dismissing me? Tell me, if a heavily armed and disturbed person has taken your child hostage, do you want the police to pound on the door of the room they are in? What possible good can come from our public servants operating by a different set of rules when they are dealing with a certain part of the population?
weight to your points. in
fact the opposite is true, especially in
print. to the reader it feels like
just so much off-gassing. the
commentors are right that it has more to do
with your issues than
"the amish and us".
you're angry, elam. who
are you really angry at
"cranky expatriot"
The police response to the Nickel Mines school shooting isn't the Amish peoples' problem. It's up to the government and its' citizens who commissioned those officers to determine whether they performed according to the expectations and protocols that have been established to regulate them. If that doesn't happen, it sets a clear precedent, ( even if it turns out the police performed appropriately, but we'll never know, will we?) that the Amish aren't important enough for us to bother to live up to our own values. If an event as big as the Nickel Mines school shooting can be swept under the carpet, what else is happening in which the Amish are being treated like second class citizens?
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