Sunday, August 24, 2008

equal under the law?

Kerosene recall raises questions about Amish woman's death

The fire was ruled accidental and New Wilmington police Chief Carmen Piccirillo said Thursday after learning of the recall he still maintains that ruling.

Nobody's making an allegation of any criminal activity,” he said. “This really isn't a police matter. None of it is.”

Some one died! Possibly because of a wrongly labeled product and there is no criminal investigation? What! Someone is just going to come forward and say, "Whoops, my bad!"

It would serve us well to keep in mind that we don't know how William Penn's experiment is going to work out in the long run. Unquestionably the citizens of our nation live under two different sets of rules. How is that going to work? Maybe a criminal prosecution isn't of essence in every case, but who will decide? And what happens once someone discovers that this is a situation that can be exploited? (stayed tuned!)

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