Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Not willing to pay the price

Mast is a plaintiff in a federal lawsuit filed this month seeking to stop the government from tagging the ears of cattle with computer chips, chips that Mast and others say violate their religious freedom and may represent the biblical "mark of the beast," condemning those who comply to eternal damnation.

So if they believe this, why aren't they willing to stop having cattle? Since when is "following Jesus, made easy through exemption" their new slogan? Why are we supposed to risk our lives so they can be true to their faith? I thought they were supposed to be willing to give up their life for their faith.

The bitch of it is that, there is no way the Amish guy is doing this of his own volition. Some outsider is helping him, some son-of-a-bitch who cares not a wit how badly the Amish guy is betraying his faith by doing this.

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